Write a program to print logic 1 if input charcter is capital otherwise 0.

int main()
	char x;
	int y;
	printf("\n Enter a character:");
	y=(x>=65 && x<=90 ? 1 : 0);
	printf("y :%d",y);

/*Above program a charcter is entered.using logical operator AND entered character's ASCII value is 
checked.If it is in between 65 to 90,the result displayed will be 1 otherwise 0.*/

The above program takes a character as input from the user and stores it in the variable x. The value of y is then evaluated using a conditional operator that checks if the ASCII value of x is between 65 and 90 (the range of uppercase letters in the ASCII table). If it is, y will be assigned the value 1, otherwise, it will be assigned the value 0. Finally, the value of y is displayed on the screen.


Write a program to print logic 1 if input charcter is capital otherwise 0.

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