Write a program to accept characters through keyboard using getchar() fuction.

int main()
	char c;
	printf("\n Enter a char:");

/*In the above program a character variable c is declared.The getchar() reads a character through the
keyboard.The same is displayed by the printf() statement.
Syntax of the getchar() is as follows:-
Variable name=getchar();*/

The above program is a simple example of how to accept a character from the user using the getchar() function.

The program starts with the declaration of a character variable c. Then, a message “Enter a char:” is displayed on the screen using the printf() function.

The getchar() function reads a single character from the keyboard and stores it in the variable c. The same character is then displayed on the screen using the printf() function along with the message “a=”.

Finally, the getch() function is used to hold the output screen until a key is pressed.

The syntax of the getchar() function is: variable_name = getchar();

It is important to note that the getchar() function reads a single character at a time and ignores any extra characters entered by the user. Also, the newline character ‘\n’ entered after pressing the Enter key is also considered as a character by getchar().

The printf statement in the program should include a newline character \n for better formatting, like this:


This will ensure that the output is printed on a new line.


Write a program to accept characters through keyboard using getchar() fuction.

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