Write a program to swap the value of two variables without the use third variable.

int main()
	int a=7,b=4;
	printf("\n A=%d B=%d",a,b);
	printf("\nNow A=%d B=%d",a,b);

/*In the above program,no third variable is used as a mediator for swapping the values.*/

This program swaps the values of variables a and b without using a third variable.

First, the values of a and b are initialized to 7 and 4, respectively. Then, the values of a and b are swapped using the following steps:

  1. a is assigned the sum of a and b i.e. a = a + b.
  2. b is assigned the difference of a and the original value of b i.e. b = a - b. At this point, b holds the original value of a.
  3. a is assigned the difference of the original value of a and the new value of b i.e. a = a - b. At this point, a holds the original value of b.

Finally, the program prints the values of a and b, which are swapped, by using the printf() function.


Write a program to swap the value of two variables without the use third variable.

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