What’s the difference between like/follows, fans/followers?

What's the difference between likefollows, fansfollowers

This is a bit confusing at first but the difference is simple 🙂

Liking a Business Page (Becoming a fan)

When someone likes your page on Facebook, they automatically follow your page as well. This means that your page will be listed in their ‘liked’ directory and your posts will be seen in their feed.

Following a Business Page (Becoming a follower)

Facebook users also have the option to follow a page without hitting the like button. These types of followers will still see your posts in their news feed, but they won’t be considered a like on your page. This option was set up for people who didn’t want to befriend someone on Facebook but still wanted to see their posts.

What’s More Important, Likes or Follows?

For page owners, the most important metric is page followers as these are the people who have opted to see your content in their news feed. However, in practice there is usually a very small difference between the number of page followers and page likes on a page.


What’s the difference between like/follows, fans/followers?

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