How to solve unable to locate package? (Can’t install anything on Kali Linux)

This tutorial will include the solution of unable to locate package.

Step 1.
Open a terminal, and type: (You can find the terminal in all applications pre-installed in Kali)

Make sure that your sources are correct, so do:

Enter the command
leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list

Step 2.
Once the sources.list file is opened with a text editor (leafpad),

Remove everything within that sources.list file and paste the following line
deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free

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Step 3.
Save and quit then do
apt-get update
apt-get update --fix-missing

apt-get install terminator

Please don’t hesitate to comment if you need anything else.

Thank you.

How to solve unable to locate package? (Can’t install anything on Kali Linux)

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